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How is my heat obligation determined?


  • In winter
  1. how cold the month was during which you used heating;
  2. how many radiators you used and in what mode: duration and position of the thermostat valve;
  3. whether any thermal insulation measures have been carried out to the external and internal walls of the dwelling and replacement of windows, including the common parts of the building;
  4. what volume of hot water you have used;
  5. whether there is a large difference between the volume of hot water measured by the apartment meters and the total water meter;
  6. has the building's hot water heating system been supplemented;
  7. how many split meters you have and how often they are read;
  8. have any repairs been carried out to the building services - common and apartment parts.
  • During the summer
  1. the volumes of hot water by apartment and common water meters
  2. is the amount of water heating per cubic metre limited

Your total liability is detailed in the invoice you receive monthly in your mailbox

How do I pay my heat bill?

Where do I pay my heating bill at the checkout?

What is this heat distribution?

What is district heating?

The latest amendments to the Heat Supply Ordinance (SG No. 34/24.04.2007) change the rules for calculating the amount of heat supplied by the building installation.

The amount of heat energy released from the building installation depends on the type and thermophysical characteristics of the heating installation and of the building, on the meteorological conditions during the reporting period and is determined by the dependence:

Qu=0,15*Qpr.*Dn.p.*24 , where:
(tspr. - tzr.)

Qpr. is the total design power - for heating the building, kW;
Dn.n. is the d.n.d. for the current reporting period;
tcr. is the average temperature of the building; for storey buildings 19 0C is assumed;
tzch. is the outdoor design temperature, 0C for the locality.

Dengrads are determined by the relation:

Dn.n.= z * ( t c.d.- t c.period )

z is the duration of the current period, in days;

t cc.period is the average outdoor temperature for the period of record.

The amount of heat supplied by the building system to the site shall be distributed to the condominium owners in proportion to the heated volume of the project properties.

The period of time during which the building system has been operating for heating is important in the calculation of the heat energy for the building system. When selecting the start-up and shut-down mode initiated by the condominium owners, it is necessary to reflect the operating hours in the subscriber station map and use the exact operating period.

Example calculation scheme for building installation 108/6/7 for February 2007.

Constant coefficient: 0.15
Constant coefficient: 24
Average building temperature °C: 19
Settlement outside temperature, °C: -11
( constant value for Varna )
Design heating capacity of the building, MW: 0.271677
Average outside temperature for February 2007, °C: 5.16
Duration of the current period, in days February 2007: 28

0.15 * 0.271677 *( 28 * (19-5.16)) * 24 = 12. 636 MWh,
( 19-(-11) )

Amount of heat for building installation to be allocated in proportion to the full heated volumes of the properties

How do you change a heat accountant?

Instructions for holding a general meeting of the condominium owners for the selection of the method of heat distribution and the person for the performance of the heat distribution service

Excerpts from the Rules for management, order and supervision in the condominium

(Adopted by Decree No. 1486 of 13.12.1951.
No. No. 101 of 18 December 1951, as amended. SG No. 16 of 22 February 1952, amend. SG 14 of 15 February 1957, amend. SG 32 of 19 April 1957, amend. SG 76 of 26 September 1978, amend. SG 73 of 14 September 1979, amend. SG 21 of 15 March 1991, amend. SG 87 of 13 September 2002, amend. SG 66/06 of 25 July 2008)

(2) (amend., SG No 87/2002) The general meeting may take decisions if at least 3/4 of the owners are present at the meeting. Decisions shall be taken by a majority of the votes of the owners present at the meeting. 
(3) (New, Journal of Laws No. 32 of 1957) If the required number of persons is not present when the meeting is first convened, the meeting shall be adjourned for 1 hour later with the same agenda and shall be deemed lawful, however many persons may be present.

Extracts from Ordinance No 16-334 on the supply of heat
(SG No 34/24.04.07)

Чл. 64. (1) Общото събрание на етажната собственост при условията и по реда на Правилника за управление, реда и надзора в етажната собственост, одобрен с ПМС № 1486 от 13 декември 1951 г. (обн., ДВ, бр. 101 от 1951 г.; изм., бр. 16 от 1952 г., бр. 14 и 32 от 1957 г., бр. 76 of 1978, Art. 73 of 1979, issue 21 of 1991 and issue 87 of 2002), shall have the power to decide on:
1. the selection of a heat supplier;
2. the selection of the person referred to in Article 139b of the Energy Act to carry out the heat distribution;
3. the selection of an authorised representative of the consumers to represent them in relations with the heat supply undertaking, the heat supplier in matters related to the heat supply and the heat distribution, as well as with and the person referred to in Article 139b of the EA in matters related to the selection of this person;
4. heating of the common parts of the buildings;
5. the selection of a person to be instructed and trained by the district heating company for the supplementation of the building installation, for emergency situations and to keep the key for the subscriber station.
(2) The selection of the persons referred to in par. (1) shall be certified to the heat supply undertaking or to the supplier by the minutes of the general meeting of the condominium. The owners or holders of a right in rem in a condominium building present at the general meeting shall write their full names in the minutes in their own handwriting and sign them.

Article 65 (1) Upon termination of the contract for the distribution of heat, the person referred to in Article 139a of the Energy Act shall be obliged to read the distribution devices and to prepare a reconciliation of the amounts for the actual amount of heat consumed. 
(2) Upon termination of the heat distribution contract or upon deletion of the person referred to in Art. 139a of the EA from the public register, the heat consumers or the association referred to in Art. 151, par. 1 of the EA shall be obliged within one month from the notification under par. 3 to select another person under Article 139b of the EA.

How much and how do I pay for heat accounting?

The annual apportionment amounts, which represent your heat accounting costs, depend on the agreed prices, the number of apportionment devices you have installed in your home and the frequency of metering.

The prices cover the cost of the heat accountants making the heat allocations to the properties in the buildings.

The amounts will be included in four instalments, in the company's invoices - for the months of December, January, February and March.

Who sets the price of heat?

The price of heat is set by the State Energy and Water Regulatory Commission (SEWRC) upon the proposal of the district heating company.

In order to approve a change in the price of thermal energy produced by Veolia Energy Varna EAD, the State Energy Regulatory Commission carries out a regulatory review, taking into account changes in the price of the main fuel - natural gas, determines which of the costs are inherent to the production and can be recognized and which costs have no impact on the price of the heat and electricity produced and are not recognized.

A public consultation on the price change proposal is also underway. On the basis of the regulatory review, the SEWRC shall approve a marginal price per unit of heat and/or electricity. The company may sell energy at or below the approved marginal price.

The EWRC informs the company and the media of its decision, which the company is obliged to publish officially in one local and one national daily newspaper.

"Veolia Energy Varna EAD is a joint stock company and operates under market competition where price is the leading factor. For the time being, the price of thermal energy is competitive in relation to other means of heating. Combined heat and power generation is the most efficient and environmentally cleanest according to studies carried out in European countries.

What is the "Price for Energy" component?

Paragraph 1, item 14 of the Additional Provision (AP) defines that for the purposes of the Ordinance on the regulation of the prices of thermal energy (SG 55 of 25.06.2004):

The energy price is the price through which the variable (volume-dependent) costs of the energy undertaking are covered.

These are mainly fuel costs, but also electricity costs, water costs, consumables costs, etc.

What is the fastest way for subscribers to get up-to-date information on amounts due, to report a problem with their heat supply or to request a repair?

At or by phone 0800 14448. For the use of the service is necessary tonal dialing. Customers must listen carefully and to the end to the instructions. Each call is FREE.

Alerts are directed to the appropriate departments and directorates. A database of payments made on customer accounts is updated daily.


What is the procedure for thermal insulation of a building?

The developer or a representative authorized by the general assembly of the condominium must submit an application in the form of a sample to Veolia Energy Varna EAD, 5 Janos Hunyadi Blvd., administrative building, floor 1. 1, reception

How to avoid fraud with arrears to "Veolia Energy Varna" EAD when buying and selling a property in a condominium building?

In the purchase and sale of a property in a condominium building, the parties must show mutual good faith. The vendor must voluntarily provide the latest paid heating and hot water bills and inform the purchaser in good faith if there is a court case for accumulated arrears of heat. The buyer is also entitled to and may enquire whether the heating and hot water bills have been paid in the property concerned and whether there are any outstanding court cases against the seller. Information can be obtained from the Billing and Heat Accounting Department or by calling 0800 14 448 .

Upon completion of the transaction, the old and new owners must, within one month, request from the share distribution company serving the condominium building a statement of the appliances in the unit and a balancing account, and sign and submit to the Commercial Department a notarized memorandum of understanding for the payment of the annual balancing account.

These issues are regulated in the General Terms and Conditions for the sale of heat for domestic use by Veolia Energy Varna EAD published on the company's website.

How is a change of account holder made when the property changes hands?

According to Article 14 of the General Terms and Conditions for the sale of heat for domestic use by Veolia Energy Varna EAD, published on the company's website, the new owner is obliged to notify the company of the change of ownership within 30 days. For this purpose, the new owner must apply to the Commercial Department and submit an application form ( the document can be downloaded from the company's website ), a copy of the deed ( or certificate of heirs ) and a notarized memorandum of understanding between the old and the new owner, which obliges one of the two with the payment of the annual balancing account.

What is equal monthly instalments?

Customers have the option to pay the outstanding heat bills in 11 equal monthly instalments from July of the current year to June of the following year and a 12th balancing payment in July.

Customers who choose to pay in equal monthly instalments are obliged to declare this in writing to Veolia Energy Varna EAD by 1 August of the relevant year at the latest. Applications in the form shall be submitted to the Commercial Department, Administration Building, fl. 1.

Payment in equal instalments is a kind of agreed staggered payment of the amounts for heat for one year. The advantage of this method of payment for customers is that they will not incur large debts in winter which put a strain on the family budget and incur interest if not paid on time. Customers find it easier to plan their budget, knowing in advance the exact amount due for heating and hot water for 11 months of the year.

The amount of the equal instalments is determined by multiplying the average monthly amount of heat consumed over the previous one-year period (the amount for the whole of the previous year divided by 12) by the current domestic heating price.

Customers who have opted for the equal monthly instalments will receive invoices each month for the total amount of energy that has been allocated to their property and the amount of the equal monthly instalment.

If customers wish to opt out of equal monthly payments, they must complete an Equal Installment Opt-Out Application (sample) and submit it to the Company's Sales Department.