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For the short time since 2007, we have proven that being a part of a group that is a world leader in centralized heating we have substantially improved the service quality in Varna, by introducing new management standards. Our strategy is based on continuos improvement both in energy production and energy transmission, and in the service quality provided to our customers.


For the last several years, the Company:

·         Has invested more than 19 mln BGN;

·         Has installed 3 new installations for co-generation of heat and electricity;

·         Has replaced  1/3 оf the heat transmission network of the city of Varna with new modern and efficient pipes and has hence reduced twice the water and heat losses;

·         Has replaced   2/3 of the substations in Varna where the new substations are in line with the newest contemporary technologies.

·         Has introduced a system for monitoring and automatic control of the substations, the heat transmission network and the production capacities, which guarantees optimal performance of the activity;

·         Thanks to the effective management of the production and transmission, an annual average of over 17% of primery fuel and the relevant carbon emissions are saved. 


We have impoved our activity by applying our experience in customer communications, and we have marked success, and we continue to regain the customer  trust:

·         We are directly engaged by our Customer Chart to retain an affordable price of heat energy, to improve the service and guarantee sustainable development;

·         We continuously improve communication through our interactive website, and regular general assemblies and individual meetings;

·         We apply policies for interconnection of new customers.


A significant part in the Company policy is alloted to social responsibility campaigns. They involve campaigns for landscaping of spaces between apartment buildings, supporting the activities of establishments for children, and cultural-social events, donations, charity intiatives, etc,


Joining the Veolia team means more than just finding a job: it is further development and career-making.

In order to provide its customers with high quality services involving the most progressive methods and technologies and simultaneoulsy provide its employees with career development opportunities Veolia invests in trainings for further improvement of the professional skills and personal qualities.